Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Planes - Fire & Rescue team

Created a picture of Fire & Rescue planes team using Yang's drawings of individual Fire & Rescue plane and photo of Malaysia's Penang second bridge. The photo of Penang second bridge was taken during our recent vacation trip there.

Fire & Rescue planes team flying over Penang 2nd Bridge

Yang's original drawing on Fire & Rescue planes and after my colouring :

Planes - Fire && Rescue
Planes - Fire & Rescue

Friday, December 19, 2014

Giraffe and Angry Bird drawing

Using some old art craft pieces and adding some drawings to create the following piece....

Giraffe and Angry Bird
The original tree is from Yang's drawing

Monday, December 15, 2014

Drawing created from diffrent art craft pieces

Collection of some art craft by Yang during his kindergarten years

Giraffe and trees
A beetle


 Putting them together and some colours on it. VoilĂ  !

Giraffe and friends